Nokia Mobile India announced the release of their new 5G smartphone on Twitter. Be prepared for tomorrow with the new Nokia G60 5G's 120Hz refresh rate, 50MP triple AI camera, high-speed 5G connectivity, and years of hardware and software support, the company wrote in a tweet. Pre-ordering with special deals will be available soon.
The smartphone may debut in the company's domicile country China first before making its way to other country's marketplaces, including India, within a few weeks. It is anticipated that the lineup will feature both a regular model, most likely to be dubbed the Realme 10 and a Pro variant.
By expanding its Note series, Redmi has launched Redmi Note 12 lineup including the Note 12 Pro, Note 12 Pro Plus, Note 12 Explorer Edition in China. The company will launch these devices in India soon. The smartphone sports a 200 MP camera and 210W fast charging support. The Redmi Note 12 lineup has Mediatek Dimensity 1080 processor.
OnePlus extends its Nord series by launching another flagship smartphone OnePlus Nord N300 in the US. It is anticipated that the device will launch in India in the coming month, November. This smartphone sports a 48 MP camera and HD+ display with a 90Hz refresh rate. The phone is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 810 processor and a 5000 mAh battery.
Infinix is going to launch Infinix Zero Ultra 5G smartphone in the coming month. 200 MP primary camera and 180W fast charging support is the most discussed feature among users.